On May 31st the Multigen Center (Where Shay swims) hosted a Relay party. They got to get in teams and swim relay's and eat pizza.These are her BFF's Lauren and Ashley at the Relay party.
June 15th and 16th she swam in the JAG Qualifier swim meet hosted by the Multigen Center. This was her very first Sanction Meet. These are the meets that count. It's not meant for practice like the Novice meets are. You can actually be disqualified. She was sooooo nervous but she ended up doing great! Can you believe Shayna is the oldest...haha!
She took 6th place in freestyle, 3rd place in backstoke and 3rd place in breaststroke. AWESOME!!
On June 21st she was in a Novice swim meet at Whitney Ranch. She took 6th in her Breast stroke and 8th in Freestyle.
On July 12th she was in another Novice meet where she got 6th in backstroke and 7th in Butterfly.
On July 13th she was in the LVSC Relay Meet. In the relay meets you are picked randomly and put on teams. Shay and her friend Ashley were on the same team! Unfortunately Lauren was put on a different team but good thing for her....she was put on an awesome team and they took 1st in everything!
The first three ribbons in this picture are from the relay meet. Shay's team took 3rd in everything. They did a fantastic job! The other two ribbons are from the novice meet the night before.
I'm so glad we finally found a sport that Shayna is passionate about. It took a while but I think she is in swimming for the long haul!
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